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Path from “count the number of characters” to “compress graph by going to graph on connected components, build common transitive vertex to reduce number of edges, set problem on state graph and solve it bypassing 0-1 BFS”, or just [Yandex.Training 3.0] :D


I’ve already seen most of the problems from there in some form, but I really liked the last block. The concept of the State Graph is very cool, I recommend everyone to get acquainted. You can find my solutions and the template with optimal and universal I/O [here].

As a result, I took 1-144th place in the olympiad division, and was the first among those who were left without prizes, both in the both divisions. Interestingly, I wrote an algorithm with optimal asymptotics, which did not pass all the tests, and most of the time I tried to start it. But without success… So, after a couple of months I got back to this problem, and found something amazing (really :)). About this I will report in a separate post.

The main experience that I took away from these trainings:

  • Input/Output is an important part of the problem

    You have to think about how fast you read and write data. To combat this problem, I wrote a special [template] in which You need to organize only one function solve, the data is processed by other methods in an optimal way.

  • The problem’s input limits are the most important information in the problem’s definition

    You can use them to figure out the asymptotic required solution. My advice is to assume that python can handle 10 ** 7 operations; then a solution with complexity n * n for an input size of 10 000 is not even worth writing, while n * logn is fine.

  • Even simple arithmetic operations can be saved

    If suddenly within a loop You repeatedly step to elements at some distance, for example d ** 3, then by storing this value at each iteration in the shift variable, You can significantly speed up the program.

  • Iterating over rows and columns in a matrix, if they are represented by a list of lists, is not the same thing

    Yes, this is quite a basic rule, but once in an asymptotically optimal solution I ran into this, and for a long time I could not understand what solution the authors of the problem expected from me… The reason for this phenomenon is the physical arrangement of array memory elements and random access speed